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본 연구는 공연의 기획·제작과정의 전반을 책임지는 공연 프로듀서 관점에서 이머시브 공연의 프로듀싱에 관하여 연구한다. 이를 위해 이머시브 공연의 개념에 대해 고찰하였고, 이를 바탕으로 본 연구자가 책임 프로듀서로 참여한 이머시브 공연 <위대한 개츠비> 국내 공연의 프로듀싱 과정을 단일 사례로 분석하였다. 이를 통해 프로듀서 관점에서 기존 프로시니엄 무대에서의 일반 공연과 이머시브 공연 프로듀싱의 차별점과 프로듀서로서 주목해야할 이머시브 공연의 특성에 관해 실증적 분석을 하였다.

This study examines the concept and characteristics of immersive theatres through previous studies. Immersive Theatres can be understood as a form of performance that breaks the boundaries between the stage and the auditorium in various spaces so that the audience can actively participate in the performance or immerse themselves sensibly. However, since it absorbs various art forms and continues to change and develop, it is important to recognize the concept by grasping its characteristics as an immersive experience rather than defining it as one. Based on the theoretical background of the concept and characteristics of the theatrical producers and immersive theatres, the producing immersive theatre < The Great Gatsby> is analyzed to derive differences between the immersive theatre and the general performances. In conclusion, it is important to recognize that immersive theatres have audiences at the center of all aesthetic performance environments. The role and position of the audience as a "passive consumer" change to an "active and creative consumer" in immersive theatres where the audience-centered immersive environment and experience are the key, and it was found that not only producers but also the creatives should change their perception of the audience and reflect it in the producing.