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Objectives:Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly important issue with the rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In human resource (HR) management, one of the most important tasks is the recruitment of qualified employees. This paper examines inAIR (AI for Recruiting), a recent recruitment integration solution, to explore how AI technology enables new communication channels in the recruitment process. Methods:The inAIR is an online system that manages the recruitment process, which includes but is not limited to document reviews, personality tests, interview screenings, and judgement suggestions. The AI-based interview step demonstrates how inAIR uses AI and machine learning. Results:The value of the AI interview is that it maximizes the communication channels between the applicants and the HR manager. While the HR team can now receive immediate results equivalent to those usually reached by interviewing thousands of applicants, applicants can still convey their passion, experience, and abilities beyond what has been expressed in their documents. The inAIR is an efficient tool in terms of the time required: An applicant takes about an hour to complete an AI interview, and the system takes no more than an hour to analyze all the data from thousands of applicants. Conclusions:AI has been adopted in the recruitment process as well as processes that evaluate employee experience, train employees in various job skills, and make decisions necessary for business management. With the development of the Internet and AI technology, the communication channels between applicants and HR managers have been expanded, allowing a variety of processes to run much more efficiently.