초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper shows that, in Korean, there are coordination constructions which is not explainable in terms of the semantics of the simple combination of coordinator and coordinands. I argue that to explain these coordination constructions, for example, [A-‘igo’ B-‘igo’], we have to consider them as a “construction”, an independent symbol which has its own directly associated pair of a form and a meaning. Through the article, not only the construction [A-‘igo’ B-‘igo’], also constructions like [A-‘igo’ B-‘igo’ {universal quantifiers}], [A-‘igo’ {interrogatives}-‘igo’], [{interrogatives}-‘igo’] are treated. It seems that they express the free choice meaning, and have identity implication as a whole. Furthermore, from these meanings, the [-‘igo’ -‘igo’] constructions is used to introduce in discourse an category in which its members share a particular identity and to induce universal interpretation of this alternative set. These observations are built on the usage-based approach, the corpus-based research.