초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Tuvan belongs to the adaq-group of Turkic languages. Tuvan and its related dialects/languages ​​can be collectively referred to as the so-called “Sayan-Turkic”. They are broadly divided into two groups: (A) the languages of the steppe region and (B) the languages ​​of the taiga region. The Tuvans live mainly in the Tuva Republic of the Russian Federation. They inhabit also neighboring Mongolia and northern Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region in China. Supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant, the following two successive research projects were carried out by the Altaic Society of Korea. The material discussed in this paper was obtained from the fieldwork conducted on Jungar Tuvan from April 28 to May 4, 2005. The 40 or so words that the informants answered incorrectly can be classified as follows: 1. Cases where Chinese words are exactly homophonic up to the tone; 2. Cases where the informant misunderstood the pronunciation of Chinese words; 3. Cases where Chinese words are polysemous; 4. Cases where the informants did not know the exact meaning of Chinese words.