초록 열기/닫기 버튼
The goal of this corpus-based study is to explore how academic authors from different cultural backgrounds employ authorial self-mention expressions in single-authored research articles (RA). The corpus for the study comprises 60 RAs in linguistics (30: Korean authors, 30: L1 English authors), and three types of authorial self-mention expressions were selected; first-person singular or plural pronouns, third-person NPs, and inanimate NPs. The corpus was investigated with a combination of quantitative statistics and qualitative rhetorical analysis. The findings of the study reported that Korean authors projected themselves with implicit authorial self-mention expressions such as third-person NPs and inanimate NPs. On the other hand, L1 English authors consciously display themselves with explicit authorial self-mention words like I, the first-person singular pronoun. This difference comes from several factors; cultural background, language habit, personal preference, prescriptive education, readers’ status in discourse community, and so forth.