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Infiltration characteristics of airborne particulate matter had been investigated in real-life for about 90 days over 2 years in a Korean apartment building where a 3-person household had lived and the exclusive private area was 84.9 m2. Airtightness was measured by fan depressurization, and the ACH50 was 2.41 times per hour. In and outdoor particle concentrations were measured by optical particle counters. Infiltration factors and filtration efficiencies of the house, which reflect the removal of outdoor particles penetrating building envelope and the deposition inside a building, were obtained from data screened based on an empirical evaluation process. Infiltration factor of fine particles showed a range from about 42% at 0.4 m/s of wind speed to 72% at 4.2 m/s of wind speed with closed windows and doors. Filtration efficiency was like a MERV 13 grade filter with an open window outside at a balcony at low outdoor wind speed under 1 m/s. The grade decreased to MERV 11 by opening another outside window at the other balcony. Filtration efficiencies decreased as much as 29% in average at a range of 0.3~2.5 μm.