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Purpose - This study is to identify the relationship between the gap of in-role behaviour (IRB) on employee’s interpersonal behaviour with the different perspective considering this behaviour as a social action that employees show in their work life, away from the perspective of conventional research that treats IRB as task performance. Design/methodology/approach - This study focus on the level of IRB gap that individuals have with their colleagues and its effect on the interpersonal behaviours such as helping and incivility instigation. The higher the level of difference, the more likely it would negatively affect their interpersonal behaviour through stress. The analysis was conducted on 250 employees of Korean companies through partial least squares structural equation modelling. Findings - The analysis shows that IRB gaps have a negative effect on employee's fully helping, and partly instigated incivility, in mediating stress. Implications based on the results of the study were presented in the conclusion. Research implications or Originality - The approaches and findings thus study showed are unique because most of existing studies have not tried to focus on the gap of in-role behaviour between employees and their colleagues. This study can give novels inspirations to other researchers in the related field.