초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this study, the effect of the air purifier located in the living room on the reduction of PM2.5 concentration in the living room and bedroom was investigated. Measurements were carried out in real-life for about 2 weeks in a Korean apartment building where a 3-person household had lived and the exclusive private area was 84.9 m2. When the air purifier in the living room was operating, the change in PM2.5 concentration was measured when the door to the bedroom connected to the living room was opened and closed. In the case of living with the bedroom door open, the average PM2.5 concentrations in the living room and bedroom were almost the same. When living with the bedroom door closed, the average PM2.5 in the living room was higher than in the bedroom. The ventilation and cooking effects in the living room mainly affected the PM2.5 concentration in the living room. Only one air purifier in the living room was able to keep the PM2.5 concentration in the living room and bedroom low.