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Thisstudytriedtoemphasizetheimportanceofdecision-makingfortheadvancementofdifferentiated competitivestrategiesbasedondecentralizationstrategiesratherthancontinuousdiversificationstrategies andanapproachbasedondichotomousresolutionofcompetitivestrategiesasthebasicstartingpointfor theorganizationalcompetitivenessofSMEs.Inthesenseofdiversificationofdiversificationstrategyand competition strategy, this means the importance of re-establishing a plan to upgrade the sustainability management system through decentralization. Therefore, it is a decentralization strategy, which is the third variable that judges the level of various resources possessed in an organization based on diversificationandcompetitionstrategies. In other words, the relationship between diversification strategy and resource holding, competition strategy and resource holding level is proven, and as a result, it should be determined as the main criterion through decentralization at the organizational and business division level according to the company'sdiversificationstrategyandresourceholdinglevel.Inaddition,forthesustainablemanagement of the organization, it is considered as a decision-making method for the right decentralization strategy to consider various strategies, competitive strategies, and resource holding levels along with decision-makingondecentralizationthroughadditionalanalysis. For sustainable management of SMEs, how to improve the interconnection between corporate-level researchcapability and business-level researchexecution capability is a key issue for corporate survival and growth. Therefore, this study emphasized that the various strategic activities carried out by a companyshouldbeexecutedinacomplexandcloselyinterconnectedrelationshipwithboththecompany levelfactorsandthelevelfactorsforeachbusinessdivision.

본연구는중소기업의조직경쟁력의기본적인출발점은지속적인다원화전략과경쟁전 략의이분법적해결에의한접근이아닌분권화전략을기반으로차별화된경쟁전략의고 도화를 위한 의사결정의중요성을 강조하고자 하였다, 이는곧 다각화 전략과경쟁 전략 의다변화라는의미에서 분권화를통한지속가능경영체계의고도화방안의재정립의 대한 중요성을 의미한다고할 수 있다. 따라서 다각화전략과 경쟁전략을 기반으로 조직내 보 유한다양한자원수준을판단하는제3의변수인분권화전략이라할수있다. 즉, 다각화 전략과 자원 보유, 경쟁 전략과 자원 보유 수준이 분권화의 관계를 증명하고 그 결과에 따라 기업의 다원화 전략과 자원 보유 수준에 따라 분권화가 결정된다는 것이 조직및부문차원의판단기준으로적용한필요성이있다.또한,조직의지속가능경영을위 하여추가적인분석을통해분권화에대한의사결정과함께다양한전략,경쟁전략,자원보 유수준을고려하는것이올바른분권화전략에대한의사결정의방법으로사료된다. 중소기업의지속가능경영체계의고도화를위해서는기업수준의연구능력과사업수준 의연구실행역량의상호연결성을어떻게향상하느냐는기업의생존과성장에핵심이슈 라할수있다.이에본연구는기업의실행하고있는다양한전략적활동이기업수준요 인과사업부문별수준 요인이복합적으로상호긴밀하게연결되어실행되어야함을 강조하 였다.