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With its technological breakthrough in 2016 by Google, machine translation(MT) has opened a new era with its unprecedented accuracy and quality. However, many second language(L2) teachers and researchers operate under the conventional second language acquisition(SLA) paradigm and are reluctant to actively integrating it into their teaching and research practice. The study demonstrates that some reasons such as concerns about the students' abusive use of MT and its imperfect translation quality contribute to building their unfavorable attitudes toward MT, yet it is also pointed out that such attitudes cannot be justifiable when it is considered that we living in the globalized and digitalized era. It further claims that those in the SLA field need to get themselves out of the conventional SLA paradigm, and, instead of using MT as a means to learning linguistic skills and adhering to the SLA paradigm, it should be understood as the substitute for L2 learning and as an instrument that enables our students to meet communication challenges today's world poses. Along with these claims and suggestions, the study also propose some ways how to effectively use MT to meet the rapidly growing demand of international communication.