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독도의용수비대가 해산된 이후 독도의용수비대원의 독도 수호활동은 두 가지로 구분할 수 있다. 첫째, 독도경비대로 활동하며 독도경비의 기틀을 다진 것이다. 경북경찰에 특별 채용된 대원은 경찰로 활동하면서 독도경비업무의 중추적인 역할을 수행하였으며, 독도경비대의 안정화에 기여하였다. 둘째, 홍순칠을 중심으로 독도개발, 사단법인설립 등 다양한 민간 활동을 한 것이다. 대부분의 민간 활동이 정부의 불허로 시행되지 못했으나, 1990년대에 정부 및 기업 주도하에 해당 사업들이 시행되며 결실을 맺었다. 이처럼 독도의용수비대가 해산된 이후에도 대원들은 직·간접적으로 독도 수호활동에 기여하였다.

After Dokdo Volunteer Guards were disbanded, the members of Dokdo Volunteer Guards activities to protect Dokdo can be divided into two types. The first is Dokdo Security Police established by the Korean government to strengthen Dokdo sovereignty, laying the foundation for Dokdo security. The nine members were specially hired by Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Police and they has played a central role in the security of Dokdo while working as police officials. Their activities greatly contributed to the stable settlement of the Dokdo Security Police in Dokdo. The second is civilian activities targeting Dokdo. Activities centered on Hong Soon-chil can be divided into Dokdo Development, the establishment of a corporation. Most of their civilian activities were not implemented because they were not approved by the government. But their proposed projects were implemented by the government and businesses in the 1990s and achieved great results. As such, it can be seen that even after the dissolution of Dokdo Volunteer Guards, the members directly or indirectly contributed to Dokdo protection activities.