초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this study I explored the change of the Alveolar plosive initials and Alveolar sibilant affricate & fricative initials form Old Chinese to Middle Chinese. Findings can be summarized in the following five points. 1. There were two language groups in Old Chinese. The first group distinguished aspirated and tenuis initials. We call it Language “A”. The second group distinguished voiced and voiceless sounds, We call it Language “B”. It is thought that in Old Chinese, Language “A” was more influential than “B”. “A” was distributed widely in the north whereas “B” was in the south. Middle Chinese distinguished not only aspirated and tenuis sounds but also voiced and voiceless sounds, which was produced after the language contact between “A” and “B”. 2. Alveolar plosive initials and Alveolar sibilant affricate & fricative initials existed separately in Old Chinese. Postalveolar plosive initials and Alveolo-palatal affricate & fricative initials in Middle Chinese were derived from Alveolar plosive initials in Old Chinese and Postalveolar affricate & fricative initials in Middle Chinese were derived from Alveolar sibilant affricate & fricative initials in Old Chinese. The Cr-type consonant cluster was basically possible in Old Chinese. Alveolo-palatal affricate & fricative initials in Middle Chinese had two different sources form Old Chinese. One was form Tri-type, which we call Group “α” and the other one was from Ti-type, which we call Group “β”. After the disappearance of [r] of Group “α”, Group “α” and Group “β” underwent the palatalization during Northern and Southern Dynasties, and merged to Alveolo-palatal affricate & fricative initials. 3. The separation of Postalveolar plosive initials from Alveolar plosive initials happened in some areas of the Western Jin Dynasty. However, the separation had not occurred in some areas in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. 4. In Old Chinese, people who used Language “B” did not distinguish between Alveolar fricative and Sibilant affricate consonants. 5. Tongue-up sounds and Tooth-up sounds were Postalveolar initials in the Qie-yun system.

本稿は上古音から中古音にわたる舌歯音の変化を考察した。その結論は以下のようである。 1.上古では二つの言語集団が存在した。一つは有気·無氣音で弁別する言語集団であり、本稿で はこれをA語と呼ぶ。もう一つは有聲·無聲音で弁別する言語集団であり、本稿ではこれをB 語と呼ぶ。上古では、B語よりA語の影響力が強い。A語は北側に分布し、B語は南側に分布 し、ふたつの言語集団がお互い影響を及ぼし、中古では有聲·無聲·有氣·無氣音で弁別する言 語集団が形成された。 2.上古では舌音と歯音が別々に存在し、その中に中古音の舌頭音、舌上音、正齒音は上古音の舌 音から由来し、中古音の齒頭音、正齒音は上古音の齒音から由来する。基本的に上古ではCr型の二重子音が普遍的に存在した。中古音の正齒音は二つの由来があり、本稿では、上古の Tri-型から由来するのを正齒音α類と呼び、Ti-型から由来するのを正齒音β類と呼ぶ。正齒音α 類のrが消滅した後、正齒音β類と共に南北朝時代で口蓋音化が起こり、正齒音と合流した。 3.舌上音の分立は西晉から一部の地域で初めて起こり、南北朝時代まではまだ分立していない 地域もある。 4.上古では南側で分布していた有聲·無聲で弁別する言語集団は、破擦音系の齒音と摩擦音系の 齒音の区別はなかった。 5.切韻音における舌上音と齒上音はすべて後部歯茎音である。