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The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of behavioral parent training (BPT) on problem behaviors in Ko- rean children with developmental disabilities (DD) using a single-group pretest-posttest treatment design. Additionally, the collateral effects on Korean mothers with respect to levels of depression, stress, self-efficacy, and knowledge of behavior mod- ification were analyzed. Participants were 60 mothers of children with DD who received 12 weeks of BPT in groups of five to six participants. Data regarding changes in children’s’ problem behaviors and parenting stress, depression, efficacy, and knowledge were collected through self-reports at pre-, post-, and 3-month follow-ups. The results showed significant de- creases in children’s aggression, but no changes were detected for self-injury and stereotypy. For mothers, depression and stress levels decreased, and efficacy and knowledge increased. These findings were present post-treatment and were main- tained at follow-up. The data collected show strong evidence for the beneficial effects of BPT on parents and children with DD. Implications and challenges are discussed further.