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본고에서는 언해본 『삼강행실도』에서 그려진 왜구의 이미지에 대해 연구하는 것이 목적이다. 이를 위해 일본에서 발행된 화역본 『三綱行実図』와 비교해보고, 나아가 중국 명대에 그려진 왜구의 모습과도 비교하여 조선시대에 만들어진 삼강행실도의 왜구 이미지의 특징을 살펴보았다. 『삼강행실도』에서는 왜구의 모습을 묘사할 때에, 명나라의 회화자료에서는 맨발에 윗옷을 벗는 등 야만적인 인물로 묘사하고 있는 데 비해, 이문명의 야만인으로서가 아니라 같은 문명인으로 그린 점이 특징이다.

The purpose of this paper is to examine what the image of Japanese pirates in 『Samgang Haengsildo』. By comparing it with the translated version 『Sankokoujitsuzu』 published in Japan. The characteristics of the Japanese pirates image of 『Samgang Haengsildo』made in the Joseon Dynasty were examined by comparing it with the figure of the Japanese in the Ming Dynasty of China. 『Samgang Haengsildo』was portrayed as the same human being as the other people. It can be distinguished by clothes and weapons. Only the Japanese were allowed to wear the patterned clothes, and the Japanese sword, naginata, Japanese bow. In the case of Naginata, it is also different from the Naginata in the translated 『Sankokoujitsuzu』, in that the ratio of the blade and the wooden stick changed according to the time difference between 1434 when the Chinese version was made and around 1660 when the translated version was made