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This paper examined lexical bundles of speaking scripts that college students wrote for their speaking assignments. Ninety-four first-year college students wrote scripts to introduce themselves in a presentation. Four-word lexical bundles were extracted from 94 scripts via Lancsbox 6.0 (Brezina et al., 2021). To see more specific features of lexical bundles in students’ speaking scripts, top 10 lexical bundles were scrutinized via sub-tools of Lancsbox. Additionally, iWeb Corpus (Davies, 2018) was used to compare idiosyncratic lexical bundle usages of some students with native speakers’ usages of a reference corpus. On-line survey and interviews were conducted after students had finished their tasks. Findings showed that students relied on materials provided by their instructor when they wrote speaking scripts. However, they tried to express themselves in English adding their own creative phrases. Unique lexical bundle usages in students’ speaking scripts indicated that students were affected by L1 transfer and search results from on-line translating programs.