초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to explore how Korean universities recognize the future by investigating the use of language on the “Greetings from President” page of 30 Korean university websites from the perspective of discourse semantics. To this end, 1) it examines whether universities as a leading institution in predicting the future and fostering talents in the society, exist as an influential or affected entity in its relation with ‘the future.’ 2) In addition, it investigates how the future is represented in a discourse, using Martin & White (2005)’s Appraisal Theory as an analysis frame. The results of the study show that universities view the future as an object that can be changed and created with their current efforts and can be given the direction in which it should move forward. Another finding shows that it is not a momentary situational judgement or emotion that affects the way universities perceive the ‘future’, but cognition created by long-standing practices.