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The xiehouyu is an allegorical saying consisting of two parts or phrases, the first of which is descriptive - a sort of riddle, while the second part reveals the underlying meaning or explains the first part - the solution to the riddle. Often only the first part is said, or after the first part is said there is a long pause allowing those listening to chew over the possible meaning. After this pause for thought, the second part is then said... Xiehouyu are characteristically lively and often very humourous and full of flavour. The enigmatic fold similes with “animal-noun” as subjects showed themost frequency of occurrence. Others with “ ‘lao’+ animal-noun” as subjects showed the second frequency of occurrence. The least occurrence was the enigmatic fold similes with “animal-noun+measure word” or “quantity-word + animal-noun”. This study can be helpful to deepen and enrich the the Chinese linguistic theories about enigmatic fold similes and provide further materials to Chinese language education or the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, especially to the compilation of lexicographical work.