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Through Kim Myungsoon and Feng Yuanjun, the representative the first modern-female and new-female writers of Korea and China, this thesis aims to compare and examine the Romantic love and male characterization methods of the two countries in the 1920s. The 1920s was the “age of love”. Through each of the major works Thinking back and series of Isolation, After isolation and Travel, Kim Myungsoon and Feng Yuanjun Insist on a romantic love that regards platonic love as more valuable and superior by dividing the body and the mind. However, the difference between the two writers social reality and male intellectuals led Kim Myungsoon to move toward extreme asceticism, which rejected sexual relationships, and Peng Yuanjun recognized the physical instinct but regarded spiritual love as true love. In addition, the two writers wanted to become the main agents of enlightenment by actively speaking in the public domain through writing, in order to break down the reality that male intellectuals were leading the love story. Most of the men who were able to interact mentally with new women at the time were married men. Kim Myungsoon highlighted the two-sided mannerbild of loyalty and indecisive appearance. Peng Yuanjun expressed the selfish nature of male intellectuals and new women by embodying an active male figure who boldly pursues free love, while also highlighting the image of a man who ignores his ex-female wife for free love.