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“Discussion about Using Silver Taels and Coins Together”(銀錢竝用論) in Daoguang period is argued that silver taels and coins should be used for finance together. In the past, coins had been refluxed between officials and peoples only under the county administration unit. but “Discussion about Using Silver Taels and Coins Together” is argued that coins collected from taxes at county should be transferred to be used for provincial finance. In response, the emperor, high-ranking central officials, top officials in each province, and speaking official also participated in the discussion. It was also an important issue to adapt to the changes of the times and bring about a change in the silver-centered financial system of provincial-government, a long-standing method of Qing Dynasty, by formalizing the financial utilization of standard-coin, which has been tolerated only in the county since the Jiaqing period. Unlike the previous period when the foundation of the dynasty stabilized and did not show much change in currency and finances or the later period when they had to change anything in the crisis of course, it was important in Daoguang period in that it was widely discussed at a time when it had to respond to rapid changes in reality, implicitly acknowledging the purpose of maintaining the foundation of the dynasty by continuing the fundamental laws of the dynasty. The characteristics of Qing Dynasty's policy-making seen in the discussion process are that Push-and-Pulls have been carried out: the protection of the enduring fundamental laws of the dynasty and the efficient implementation of “suiting one's policies to the time and place.”(因地制宜) Regardless of the central officials, local officials, and emperor, it was performed, and the fixed role or mindset expected of each was not predetermined. Compared to the possibility that “suiting one's policies to the time and place” can be widely conducted in counties, the narrow range of independent act of provinces could be said to be a means of protecting the fundamental laws of the dynasty.