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This article aims to understand and bolster the recent historiographical trend of reassessing post-Ricci generation of Jesuit missionaries. It is crucial for better sense of missionary geography of Late Ming, in particular, to distance from dichotomy between Pro-Riccian Jesuits and Anti-Riccians. The article suggests to historicize the missionary stance of post-Ricci generation in Late Ming period. Textual analyses of Vagnoni’s Jiaoyao jielue around the Nanjing Persecution in 1616 and that of Longobardo’s Short Answers in 1623 close to the period of Jiading Conference in 1627, they reveal the coexistence of both transformation and continuation of Ricci’s accommodation strategy. By and large, Longobardo and Vagnoni shared the legacy of their formal leader Ricci, particularly his missionary vision. However, Longobardo insisted significantly disparate from Ricci when it comes to the matter of compatibility between Confucianism and Catholicism. Although it is necessary to correct a fixated understanding on Longobardo’s stance as an Anti-Riccian Jesuit, but beyond that, it is also true that the two showed a notable disparity in practicing Jesuit accommodationism in China.