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As online un-contact services are getting prevalent due to the COVID-19, the medical community is now actively promoting the introduction of AI chatbot service to solve problems such as the surge in patients and the limited capacity of the medical system. For pregnant women or those who have difficulty visiting maternity hospitals due to COVID-19, a chatbot service is also needed to provide easy and convenient counseling. In this study, a research model was established by introducing perceived values (professionalism, reliability, and empathy) and patient's purpose of use(hospital administration and medical consultation) factors based on the technology acceptance model (TAM), and differences in path coefficients between groups were verified. To sum up the outcomes of this research, first, when looking at each factor’s path analysis without dividing two groups, H1(professionalism→perceived usefulness), H4(professionalism→perceived ease) show non-significant rate. Second, as results, hospital administration group H1(professionalism→perceived usefulness), H3(empathy→perceived usefulness), H4(professionalism→perceived ease) and medical consultation group H1(professionalism→perceived usefulness, H4(professionalism→perceived ease), H6(empathy→perceived ease) both show non-significant rate. Based on these results, this study is expected to present basic results related to the characteristics of patients who use chatbot and its service when introducing AI chatbot medical counseling service, and provide implications for the properties of service to enhance introduction of AI chatbot counseling to obstetrics and gynecology.