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This paper analyzes Mishima Yukio's view of women through his Middlebrow Novels. By examining the fact that Mishma, who expressed “Misogynistic” remarks through numerous media, on the other hand portrays women as sexual actors on an equal level with men in many works through popular media, grasping the relationship between popular culture and women, this paper discusses the misogynistic ideas of Mishima. The characteristic of Mishima, which can be seen from its relationship with various popular magazine media, is that it depicts a lot of genres called “Middlebrow Novels” that appeared as a popular one, and mainly for women. However, the main themes of the Middlebrow Novels, “Love,” especially Shizumeru Taki (The Sunken Waterfall, 1955) and Bitoku no yoromeki (The Misstepping of Virtue, 1957), which are based on the popular theme of “Adultery”, were published not through women's magazines or popular magazines, but through Chuokoron and Gunzo, which are general magazines and literary magazines for the male elite. It can be seen that Mishima did not treat these works only as popular readings, but also consciously engaged in creative activities while assuming the reader base through the mass media called magazines. Contrary to Mishima’s view of women in misogynistic remarks and essays that assert women as inferior and are seen as subordinates of men, it is confirmed that women are portrayed as “subjects” with spirituality in the Middlebrow Novel works. In this way, Mishima’s abhorrent remarks about women are deliberately made under a negative stance and can be read as rather ironic.