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The purpose of this study is to provide a qualitative analysis of interdependence factors based on cooperative learning for Chinese students who have not actively participated class interaction, and to derive factors to promote interaction in the online learning environment. The method of the study analyzed problems that hinder interaction of foreign students through the experience log related to colloquial interactions in the ZOOM online learning environment of five Chinese students, and derived factors that should be considered to promote interaction in online classes centered on the interdependence of cooperative learning. As a result, items that could promote Korean interaction could be categorized into group communication interdependence, psychological environment interdependence, discourse context interdependence, and sub-items that facilitate interaction among group members, resource-role interaction, learning community formation, Korean speaking anxiety, Korean ability to performance, and participation differences. The bottom line is to design a joint class for learners to actively participate in the Korean language online class designed for Chinese students, to guide foreign learners, to provide background knowledge or key information related to major subjects, to understand new class culture, and to provide emotional support.