초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this study, we organized and analyzed how the phonetic and semantic analysis relation of the ancient Chinese pronunciation-change words changed in the early modern Chinese dictionary, 『ZengdingZhujieGuoyinChangyongZihui (增訂注解國音常用字彙)』, and analyzed the types according to the type of the phonetic and semantic analysis relation. There are four main types: preservation, confluence, disappearance, and intersection. Most of the phonetic and semantic analysis relation of the original word are preserved and the most frequent. The number of times that the phonetic and semantic analysis relation was joined or disappeared was 5 times each, and the number of times that the phonetic and semantic analysis relation was crossed was 4 times. When we compared how the phonetic and semantic analysis relation was changed in 『XiandaiHanyuCidian』, Compared with the change of the phonetic and semantic analysis relation are the number of times of 『ZengdingZhujieGuoyinChangyongZihui』, the most important feature is that the number of “disappearance” of the phonetic and semantic analysis relation has doubled from 5 times to 10 times. The cause can be found in the difference between the compilation principle of 『ZengdingZhujieGuoyin ChangyongZihui』 and 『XiandaiHanyuCidian』,. In 『ZengdingZhujieGuoyinChangyong Zihui』, using the phonological system of Peking as the standard language sounds, at the same time it intentionally included the entering tone suitable for reading traditional literature, especially traditional verse. On the other hand, the use of “disappearance” has increased compared to the phonetic and semantic analysis relation of Chinese tone-change words because the phonological system of Peking was used as the standard language sounds, the pronunciation and interpretation of the entering tone were excluded.