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이발(理發)의 세상을 소망한 퇴계 이황은 일련의 구체적인 작업을 말년에 전개했다. 후학 양성을 위한 도산서당 완공(61세), 학문 체계를 요약한 성학십도 제작(68세)과 함께, 마음공부를 위한 도산십이곡을 작사(65세)하여 노래로 만들어달라고 주문했다. 그러나 도산십이곡은 노래로 완성되지 않은 채, 한 편의 국문 고전 시가로 전달되어왔다. 본고는 도산십이곡의 악보를 만들고, 현대적 일반화 관점에서 가사에 담긴 교육적 함의를 고찰함으로써, 도산십이곡을 ‘온전한 노래’로 구현하고자 하였다. 가사의 수정된 부분과 발문 내용을 검토하여 도산십이곡 멜로디에 요구되는 여섯 가지 사항을 도출하였다. 이에 맞추어 작곡한 멜로디를 지난 3년 동안 교육 현장에서 다양한 특성의 집단에 시험 적용한 후, 한글 및 영문 악보를 완성하여 제시하였다. 또한, 퇴계의 사상이 ‘이발’을 중요시하며 경(敬)을 강조했다는 큰 맥락에서 발문과 가사의 내용을 살폈다. 발문에서는, 도산십이곡이 추구하는 온유돈후∙탕척비린∙감발융통의 마음공부 목적을 퇴계 철학이 강조하는 경(敬)에 연결할 수 있었다. 같은 맥락에서, 전6곡의 ‘언지(言志)’를 ‘진리를 향한 뜻’으로, 후6곡의 ‘언학(言學)’을 ‘진리를 탐구하는 공부’로 해석하고, 전6곡과 후6곡을 진리를 향한 ‘마음’과 ‘행’의 관계로 파악하였다. 그 결과, 열두 곡 각각의 가사에 담긴 교육적 함의를 도출할 수 있었다. 도산십이곡 노래를 통해 퇴계의 학문과 삶에 간직했던 온유돈후한 개인적 자아가 초시공간적으로 복제 및 전파되는 ‘문화 유전자’가 되기를 기대한다.

Toegye Yi Hwang, who longed for a world of the Truth Manifestation (Li-bal, 理發), developed a series of concrete works in his later years. Along with the completion of Dosan Seodang for nurturing juniors at the age of 61 and the production of Seonghaksipdo, the Ten Diagrams on Sage Learning, at the age of 68, he wrote the lyrics of the Dosan 12 Poems at 65 while asking for a melody to be added. However, the Dosan 12 Poems has not been completed as a song, and has been delivered as a classic Korean poem. This study tried to implement the Dosan 12 Poems as a ‘complete song’ by making the score and examining the educational implications contained in the lyrics from a general modern point of view. First, by examining the revised part of the lyrics and the contents of the epilogue, six requirements were derived for the melody of the Dosan 12 Poems. The melody composed in accordance with this was tested and applied to groups of various characteristics in the educational field for the past three years, and then Korean and English scores were completed and presented. Also, in the broad context that Toegye emphasized ‘the Manifestation of the Truth (Li-bal, 理發)’ and ‘Reverent Mindfulness (Gyeong, 敬)’, the contents of the epilogue and lyrics were examined. In the epilogue, it was found that Toegye wrote the poems for the public to sing to bring out one’s soft, gentle, sincere and steadfast mind (On-yu-don-hu, 溫柔敦厚), to blow one’s narrow-mindedness away (Tang-cheok-bi-rin, 蕩滌鄙吝), and to unite with nature (Gam-bal-yung-tong, 感發融通), which are all connected with Reverent Mindfulness (Gyeong, 敬) emphasized by Toegye. In the same context, ‘the words about will (Eonji, 言志)’ of the first six poems is interpreted as one’s mind and will towards the Truth, and ‘the words about study (Eonhak, 言學)’ of the following six poems is interpreted as study to explore the Truth. In other words, the first six songs and the last six songs were understood as the relationship between the ‘mind’ and ‘action’ towards the Truth. As a result, the educational implications contained in the lyrics of each of the 12 poems could be derived from a general perspective. Through the song of the Dosan 12 Poems, it is hoped that the gentle and generous personal self that was kept in Toegye’s study and life will become a ‘cultural gene’ to replicate and spread beyond space and time.