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고학력 여성 인력이 노동시장에서 지속적으로 활동함으로써 직장 내 여성 비중은 점차 높아지고 여성 상사비중이 증가하고 있다. 전통적으로 남성이 맡았던 관리 직종에 여성의 진출이 확대되면서 여성 상사와 일을하는 경우가 빈번하게 되었다. 이런 경우에 남성 또는 여성 근로자는 여성 상사와 일하는 것을 선호할 것인가? 이에 본 연구는 직장 팀 내의 성별 비율 변화와 직속 상사의 성별이 남성과 여성 관리자의 일자리 만족도, 직무 스트레스, 부하 직원의 상사에 대한 평가, 그리고 이직 의향에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 만족도에 주목하는 이유는 직장에서의 만족도는 기업의 성과와 연결되기 때문이다. 실증분석을 위해 한국여성정책연구원의 여성관리자 패널조사 7차 자료를 활용했으며, 전체 표본을 성별에따라 여성 관리자와 남성 관리자로 나누었고 직급별로도 나누어 체계적인 분석을 하였다. 주요 결과는 다음과같다. 첫째, 직속 상사가 여성인 경우, 대리급 남성 관리자 중에서 팀 내 여성의 비중이 큰 경우에는 일자리만족도를 13.6% 정도 높였다. 그렇지만 과장 직급 이상이고 직속 상사가 여성이면 만족도가 15.2% 정도 높아졌지만, 팀 내 여성의 비중이 커질수록 만족도는 감소하여 여성의 비중이 50∼75%이면 25% 미만이었을 때보다9.1% 정도 낮아졌다. 둘째, 팀장을 맡은 대리급 여성 관리자는 팀장이 아닌 경우보다 직장 만족도가 높았지만, 여성 비율이 증가할수록 만족도는 낮아졌다. 셋째, 대리급 여성 관리자가 팀장 지위를 가지고 있는 경우에직무 스트레스가 낮았지만, 여성 비율이 증가함에 따라 스트레스가 커짐을 보였다. 과장 이상의 직급에서는성비가 높아짐에 따라 상사의 성별이 여성인 경우 스트레스 정도가 증가함을 보였다. 마지막으로 여성 관리자는여성의 비중이 높아지면, 직급에 상관없이 이직 의도가 높아지지만, 남성 관리자는 대리급만 여성의 비중이증가하면 이직 의도가 증가하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 여성의 비중과 여성 직속 상사는 응답자의 직급과 역할에 따라 일자리 만족도에 다른영향을 준다는 점이다. 이런 점은 여성 근로자의 증가와 여성 관리자가 중간 및 고위 직급으로 승진함에 따라직장 구성원에게 미치는 영향이 다면적이라는 점을 암시한다. 또한, 직장 내에서 이성 간 성차별 현상은 약한것으로 판단되지만, 팀 내에서 여성 간의 갈등이 있을 가능성이 있음을 제시한다.

The workforce in Korea is increasingly diverse in gender, and it is needed to understand the consequences of this diversity. Despite its apparent importance, research on gender diversity in the workplace has been relatively narrow in scope, it cannot make consistent conclusion, and often fails to offer meaningful insight into how diversity can be managed effectively within firms. As highly educated women have steadily participated in the labor market, the proportion of female employees in the workplace significantly increased as well as the proportion of female supervisors. Managerial position was traditionally considered male-dominated job, however, the increased diversity in the workplace over the past few decades, there are more chances to work with female supervisors. The increasing diversity has spurred many questions inside firms; do male or female employees like to work with female boss? In line with this, this study investigates the effect of the change in gender composition and female boss on the job satisfaction, job stress, the evaluation for female boss, and the intention of turnover. This study focuses on the job satisfaction because it probably has positive correlation with firm's performance. Using data with the 7th Korean Women Manager Panel(KWMP), to estimate the empirical relationship between gender diversity in the workplace and job satisfaction, this study divides whole samples into two parts, male and female managers according to gender, and also divided into two group by their position. This study finds followings. First, when supervisor is woman, job satisfaction of assistant managers worked in department with high proportion of female has increased by 13.6 percent. Job satisfaction of the mid-level managers has also increased by 15.4 percent, but their satisfaction has decreased as the proportion of women in the workplace increase. Especially, when the proportion of women in the workplace reaches 50-75 percent, job satisfaction of mid-level managers is lower by 9.1 percent than the group of the less than 25 percent proportion. Second, when female assistant managers lead the team, the job satisfaction is higher than other female assistant manager who is not a team leader. However, the job satisfaction for the female assistant manager as a leader has decreased as the proportion of female in the workplace increases. Third, when female assistant managers with team leader position, they stress out as the proportion of female is getting bigger. Mid-managers have more stress from job as the proportion of female increases. Finally, the increase in proportion of female in the workplace makes female manage more willing to turnover regardless of the job position. But male assistant managers are more likely to turnover their job as the proportion of the female increases. This article focuses on the effect of the increasing portion of female managers in the workplace. The increasing of the number of female manager in the workplace make more effect on female mangers than male managers. When working with female boss, male mangers have opposite effects depending on their position and gender composition, but it has no effect on the female managers. This finding implies that as the female employee promote to mid-manager, the change of the gender composition have the multi-dimensional and complicate effects on their fellow employees and their supervisors. This study also finds that gender discrimination within workplace is very weak, but there is probably a conflict between female managers.