초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The international status and power of a country’s language may change, so that this global age has witnessed many changes occur in the international language environment. It is about time to check and reappraise the direction and development of Korea’s foreign language education policy amid these changes. As all countries have different national sentiments and development backgrounds, their foreign language policies differ from one another. Nevertheless, since the foreign language policy changes and develops according to the government’s development plans or the needs of the times and the society, research on other countries’ Chinese language education policies can provide good references and criteria for revaluating Korea’s Chinese language policy. This study intends to provide suggestions for the development of Chinese language education in Korea and the establishment of related policies, based on the historical development, current conditions, and characteristics of Chinese language education in the US. To this end, this study examined how Chinese language education in the U.S. has been provided under the foreign language policies towards China, which is in a trade war with the U.S., whose first language is the most influential global language.