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In the year 1755, Qing Dynasty destroyed nomadic state ‘Jungar[準噶 爾]’ of Northern Xinjiang[北疆] which is located in the northern area of Tian Shan Mountains[天山山脈] of Xinjiang. In succession, Qing Dynasty conquered southern Xinjiang[新疆] completely and settled present Xinjiang. Eventually, Qing Dynasty built a great empire unprecedented in history. But northern Xinjiang region was a strategically important place which Russia had aimed at continuously. It was not only a fine pasture which nomadic tribes who has refused to yield to Qing Dynasty, such as Kazakh [哈薩克] and Kirghiz[黠戞斯, 布魯特], had watched an opportunity to occupy but also a trade road connected to central Eurasia by way of Steppe Route. Hence, it was a strategically important place which Qing Dynasty absolutely never gave up and wanted to keep preserving by all means. Qing Dynasty recruited many soldiers from the other places and immigrants who had to do the duty of cultivating a Garrison Farm[屯田], maintaining their fort[駐防], and executing rotation defence[換防] in order to defend northern Xinjiang looked like a vacant land. As the target of supplementaries, the tribes of Tungus descent and Mongolian lineage were chosen. The tribes of these Tungus descent are Evenki[鄂溫克], Orochon[鄂倫春], Dagbur[達斡爾], and Xibe[錫伯]. These Tribes are generally called as solon. Mongolian descendants include minor Mongolian tribes as well as Chakhar[察哈爾] and Oirad[額魯特].