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환경문제에있어시민교육은정확한정보를바탕으로이루어져야한다는점에서대중매체와일반인들의인식간의관계를이해할필요성이있다. 인터넷발달로인하여SNS를비롯한다양한방식으로많은정보가확산되고있으나신문등과같은전통적인대중매체로부터생산된정보의파급력은매우오래가며바뀌기힘들다. 본연구는2000년부터2013년까지동아일보등주요일간지의코퍼스를분석하여환경오염과관련된공기어를도출하였다. 2012년을기점으로녹조와관련된키워드가지속적으로도출되었는데이연구는네트워크분석을통해그이미지를선정하였다. 또한녹조와관련된일반인들의인식을분석하기위해서2021년을기준으로텍스트빅데이터에대한감성분석을코퍼스분석에서도출된연관어를중심으로수행하였다. 결과적으로녹조와관련되어서는매우부정적인인식이일반인들에게있다는것을알수있었으나실제수질자료는이와반대의결과를보여준다는점에서추가적인분석을수행하였다.이항로짓분석을통해실제수질자료을기반으로녹조와수질지표간의관계를파악하고4대강살리기사업시행여부가미치는영향을분석하였다.결론적으로과거대중매체에서제공한뉴스와같이녹조발생과4대강사업혹은보건설과는부(-)의관계가있다는것을발견하였고이는일반인들의인식과는반대의결과를보여준다. 따라서대중매체의부정확한정보전달이일반인들의인식에고착되어현실과의괴리를발생시킨것으로보인다. 따라서이를극복하려면체계적이고 구체적인 사실에 기반한 시민환경교육이 이루어져야 할 것이다.

There is a need to understand the relationship between the media and the public's perception in that civil education should be based on accurate information on environmental issues. Due to the development of the Internet, various SNSs play a role in spreading information, but the ripple effect of information produced by traditional media such as newspapers is hard to change. This study analyzed corporations in major newspapers from 2000 to 2013 to derive co-occurring word related to pollution. To analyze the perceptions related to algae, we conducted an emotional analysis, related to Corpus analysis. We could conclude that there is a negative perception among the public when it comes to algae, but the actual water quality shows the opposite result. Binomial logit model is applied to find the relationship between algae and water quality with implementation of the Four Rivers Restoration Project. In conclusion, we found that the Four Major Rivers Project has a negative impact on algae bloom. It is to say that the media's inaccurate information delivery seems to have stuck in the public's perception, causing a gap from reality. Thus, civil environmental education should provide systematically and balanced information to public.