초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This article proposed an analysis of the locative phrase which is formed from personal pronouns plus locative particles. In Mandarin Chinese, locative particles Zher(here) and Nar(there) can be combined with preceding personal pronouns to express the localization. The forms of ‘PPs+Zher/Nar’ is ambiguous between two main types of meaning: denoting space and person, which has different syntactic-semantic properties, the phrase like ‘WoZheli(I here)’ can be translated to English in many ways(‘my place’, ‘here’, or ‘me’ etc.). As for the syntactic structure, ‘PPs+Zher/Nar’ can be analyzed in a definite co-reference structure with the implying predicate are implied in this form. As for the meaning of spatial, ‘PPs+Zher/Nar’ denotes a specific space where the person is being in someplace, or it can be understood to refer to possession meaning. If the form denotes person, it reveals the speaker's subjective or psychological distance which has some pragmatic interpretations like expressing the position of the speaker.