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Li Bai’s poems “Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu”are currently delivered under the same name by five-character-ancient-verse and seven-character-quatrain. Among them, the five-character-ancient-verse “Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu”was first known to the world and has been highly praised for its physical length and literary value. However, after the Song Dynasty, the seven-character-quatrain “Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu” became known to the world, and after the famous literati of Song Dyansty-Su shi(蘇軾) praised this seven-characterquatrain work, it has continued its reputation as a representative quatrain work of Li Bai until now. Excluding the controversy over its origin, Evaluating the independent literary value of the seven-character-quatrain “Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu” now must include identifying what characteristics the poem shares with the five-character-ancient-verse “Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu” and what characteristics it possesses independently. Compared to the various colorful and significant expressions of the five-characterancient-verse “Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu”, although the sevencharacter-quatrain “Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu” developed the exaggeration of the expression, Its poetic world is thought to be immersed only in the enormous appearance of the waterfall at Mount Lu and overlooked for other poetic possibilities. Contrary to the main interpretation so far, this paper concluded that the seven-character-quatrain “Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu” summarizes the huge development of the contents structure of the five-character-ancient-verse “Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu”, which seems to be the previous work. And in its content composition, the seven-character-quatrain “Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu” implies a typical literary form of Li Bai, which was not seen in the five-characterancient-verse works. and this paper proved conclusively that this poetic spatial structure is being completed by the purple smoke from the incense burner of the first line, which has been neglected so far.