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There are 391 natrural medicines in “Four Hundred Song Fu for Natural Medicines≪藥性歌括四百味≫" that was written for readers to memorize easily. Each medicine consists of four tables, and one table involves four letters. First table explains the character(氣) and flavor (味) of medicine. There are four types of explanation in first table; character(205), flavor(90), character and flavor(80), non-character or flavor(18). Following three tables are divided into two types; with predicate, without predicate. With predecates are 305, 212, and 357 respectively. The reason why the number of fourth table with predicate is larger than that of second, third tables is that the fourth is the last one, and author wants to finish each sonnet with explicit descriptions. The grammar constructions of three tables are diverse, among them predicate+object+predicate+object is the largest type, 344 out of 1173 altogether (approximately 29%). The grammatical analysis of Sonf Fu can help readers to learn traditional medicine with effect.