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「주택임대차보호법」은 2020. 7. 31. 개정되어 임차인의 계약갱신요구제도를 신설하고 있다. 계약갱신요구제도 및 갱신거절사유는 「상가건물임대차보호법」에도 이미 유사한 제도가 있지만, 갱신거절사유 중 ‘임대인이 목적 주택에 실제 거주하려는 경우’는 「상가건물임대차보호법」에는 규정되어 있지 않는 다소 생소한 갱신거절사유이므로 이와 관련한 구체적 해석기준 또는 제도개선 등과 관련한 많은 연구가 필요하다. 캐나다 온타리오주의 경우, 임대인의 실제거주로 인하여 발생하는 대부분의 분쟁은 임대차위원회에서 해결되는데, 임대차위원회는 거주의사의 진정성을 상당히 까다로운 기준으로 판단하고 있다. 임대인이 갱신거절을 하려면 갱신거절사유가 있음을 임대인이 증명해야 하고, 그 통보는 합리적으로 인정될 수 있어야 하므로 임대인이 실제 거주를 이유로 갱신을 거절하였다는 것만으로 갱신거절의 효력이 발생하는 것은 아니다. 또한 온타리오주 법제의 특징 중 흥미로운 것은 표준화된 통지서 제도이다. 표준통지서 양식에는 신청하는 법률관계의 핵심 요건사실을 기재하도록 되어있어, 이를 작성하는 과정에 임대인이나 임차인 스스로 자신의 주장이 법적으로 합당한 것인지를 판단할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 임대인의 자의적인 퇴거로부터 임차인을 보호하기 위하여 실효성 높은 분쟁 조정제도의 도입 및 표준화된 통지서제도 마련 등을 우리 법 제도 운용에 참고해볼 수 있을 것으로 생각한다.

Amendment to Housing Lease Protection Act (Act No.17470, July 31, 2020) of South Korea allows the tenant who wishes to reoccupy the leased house to demand to renew the contract for another term by six months to one month before the term of the lease expires. The landlord may not refuse the demand without reasonable grounds and the term of the lease shall be deemed to be two years. If the lessor who rejects the demand asserting that the lessor requires possession of the leased house for the purpose of residential occupation enters into a lease contract with a third person without reasonable grounds, the lessor shall compensate the lessee for damages caused by the refusal to renew. Under the Amendment Section 6-3 (1) (8), the lessor may refuse to renew a lease if the lessor requires possession of the house for the purpose of residential occupation by him/herself. The analysis on legislative trends in Ontario casts light on the issue of various disputes created by the Amendment. First, as the Act stipulates that the parties shall preferentially use a Standard Housing Lease Contract (Section 30 of Housing Lease Protection Act), a sort of formats of notice need to be created for grounds to determine whether the lessee’s demand to renew the contract and the lessor’s reason to refuse are reasonable. In reference to Ontario’s sworn affidavit and N12 notice format completed by a person who will reside in the house, we need to come up with a standard format suited to our legislative system which allows the lessee to receive appropriate notice and understand reasonable grounds for terminating the contract. And a guideline can be useful to resolve conflicts by defining the case that the dispute arises because of lessee’s refusal to vacate. In that case, the lessor may make an application to the Housing Lease Dispute Conciliations Committee which leads the Landlord and Tenant Board to make an order to end the lease contract. The lessor and lessee explain their position at the hearing and the court officials may enforce the eviction order granted by the Committee. Meanwhile, the burden of proof is supposed to be placed upon the lessor who wishes to assert a right to refuse to renew a lease. As explained below, the Committee plays an important role in deciding whether the lessor’s claims are reasonable and fair. Not literal interpretations of laws but consideration of the specific facts of a case matters in determining whether the lessor and purchaser have a genuine intention to occupy the leased house. As the Canadian Landlord and Tenant Board continues to play the crucial role in the process of resolving disputes, reforms to our legal system should be accomplished in a matter that supports the Housing Lease Dispute Conciliations Committee to deal with the multiple disputes in a reasonable way.