초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The goal of this paper is to discuss how the grammar area description in the 'KSL Curriculum' is reflected in the syllabus of 'Basic Research on the Development of Korean Language Textbooks' and "Standard Korean for Elementary School Students." The analysis found that syllabus in ‘Basic Research’ and textbooks differed from the classification, selection, and grading of grammar items presented in 'KSL Curriculum': 1) 'Grammar for enhancing academic age-appropriate literacy' was not included in the syllabus of "Korean for Learning Tool" and 2) the grade of 'school-age-appropriate education grammar' was considerably different from that of "Korean for Communication." The reasons for this difference are that 1) the two types of grammar classified in 'KSL Curriculum' are not clear on both concept and interrelationships; 2) the grammar items that beginner KSL learners should explicitly learn through education are not selected satisfactorily; 3) the grammar items that intermediate KSL learners should learn are not clear. In order to solve these problems, extensive basic research should be conducted on the language development process of elementary school KSL learners, educational approaches for them, and the use of language by elementary school students whose Korean is their native language.