초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence relationship between the motivation of marine leisure and sports tourists using local restaurants on the selection attributes of restaurant types, importance, satisfaction, and revisit. The results of the empirical analysis are as follows. First, Korean restaurants were rejected in all factors in the relationship between the motivation of using local restaurants and the selection attributes of restaurant types. Marine leisure and sports tourists have a negative view of Busan Korean restaurant. This reason indicates that restaurants related to Korean food in Busan do not have menus that have distinctive characteristics and differentiated items compared to other regions. Second, in the difference between importance and satisfaction according to the motivation for using local restaurants, questions with high importance and satisfaction included a tourist brochure, blog, comfortable atmosphere, reasonable price of food, attractive restaurant scenery, and modern interior. Third, it was found that the motivation to use local restaurants will have a positive (+) effect on revisiting. In, physical environment, advertisements, and services have an effect on re-visiting, but gourmet and image have no effect. Busan food has several local menus representing Busan, but it can not feel that it is distinctive or special compared to other regions. Also, it is composed of menus that can be easily seen in any area in the form of tables or menus of popular restaurants, so it can not give a feeling of mystery or new food experience. Therefore, in order to develop food culture in Busan, it is necessary to develop and cultivate local menus professionally in cities, counties, and districts to improve awareness.