초록 열기/닫기 버튼
We would like to analyze the status of Contrastive Analysis Research in Korean and Chinese since 1990. The main purpose of this research is to examine the trends of the Contrastive Analysis in Korean and Chinese over the past 30 years and to pave the way for the next 30 years of Contrastive Analysis between Korean and Chinese. And the results of this Contrast Analysis Research, we hope, are to help learn Korean and Chinese as L2. The direction of future research on Contrastive Analysis between Korean and Chinese through our research results is 1. It is suggested that the contents of the Contrastive Analysis be approached in a practical way rather than theoretically, and that language education be the final goal of the Contrastive Analysis Research so that the results of the study can be helpful to language learning / teaching. 2. For the understanding of Korean and Chinese by Contrastive Analysis researchers, I suggest a cooperative research model between Korean’s Chinese researchers and Chinese’s Korean researchers. 3. In the future, we will actively promote Korean-Chinese language coordination in the field of Applied Linguistics. 4. In the field of study of Syntax, compare the two languages with the word order and language types that have not been studied much before, and try to make them connect to language education.