초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Child education (xiaoxue, 小學) literature of the original manuscript of Yupian quoted includes approximately eleven kinds, and the quotation of the literature is about 2,936 times. What is found, in comparison with the standing version of child education literature, is that there are many lexical and expressional relations worth examining and distinguishing in the original manuscript of Yupian quoted, which includes those of characters of the borrowing, the misused, the variant form, the mutual usage, and so on. The value of research into the words and expressions in child education literature of the original manuscript of Yupian quoted is in fact inestimable especially in terms of philology, lexicology, and literary studies. Not only can it explain the abovementioned relations but calibrate the variant forms, folk characters, and semantic errors in dictionary entries. Moreover, it can supplement the errors in omission, and also offer some materials of differentiation between the original manuscript of Yupian and the standing version of child education literature.