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Sungmo(聖母) generally means a mother who gave birth to a founder of dynasty and she symbolizes identity of the dynasty. Dongsinsungmo(東神聖母) is Yuhwa(柳花), mother of Jumong(朱蒙) who is a founder of Goguryeo dynasty. In Goguryeo, Yuwha was a goddess of agriculture and she represented identity of Buyeo dynasty. There, she was called as the goddess of Buyeo(夫餘神) and worshipped with the founder Jumong. Goryeo succeeding to Goguryeo also inherited worship of Jumong and Yuhwa. Goryeo regarded Pyeongyang as the foundation area of King Dongmyeong Jumong and worshipped him by erecting ‘The temple of Dongmyeong holy emperor’ in Pyeongyang. And it designated historical sites in early Goguryeo period just like ‘Songyang(松讓)’ and ‘Hwang'yongguk’(黃龍國) in the nearby area. However, worship of Yuwha was changed in meaning because Goryeo didn't have identity of Buyeo. Goryeo inherited not only worship of Jumong but also Yuhwa. The temple of Dongsin(東神祠) was erected in Gaegyeong and ancestral rites of the nation like ritual for rain were also held. The reason why Yuhwa got the name ‘Dongsinsungmo(東神聖母)’ is that she gave a birth to the first king of Haedong(海東始主). In Goryeo, Jumong was regarded as not only first king of Goguryeo buyt also starter of Dongguk(東國)'s history. While the perception of Jumong focused on the identity of Goguryeo, the origion of the Dongguk was expressed through Yuhwa. In this point, it is possible to assess that worship of Yuhwa in Goguryeo was ideology for system and it involved “Notion of Three Hans being one”.