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이 연구는 대조분석 연구에 사용되고 있는 말뭉치의 구조적 특성을 파악하고 말뭉치의 구조가 대조분석 연구에 미치는 영향이 어느 정도인지를 사례 연구를 통해 입증하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 2장에서는 대조분석용 말뭉치에 관해 제기되는 문제를 자세히 기술하고 3장에서는 말뭉치 기반 한외 대조분석 연구 중 논의가 가장 활발한 한중 언어쌍 연구에 초점을 맞추어, 그에 사용된 말뭉치의 구조적 특성을 정리하여 문제점을 짚어 본다. 4장에서는 병렬말뭉치와 비교말뭉치를 나누어 일부 연구 사례를 중심으로 비교 분석과 재연(replica) 실험을 통해 말뭉치의 구조가 대조분석 연구에 미치는 영향을 입증해 보였다.
This study aims to analyze and verify the bilingual corpus used in the Korean-Chinese contrastive analysis. To this end, Chapter 2 describes the problems of the corpus construction and corpus used in contrastive linguistics. Chapter 3 analyzes the characteristics of the two kinds of the bilingual corpus - parallel corpus and comparative corpus used in Korean-Chinese contrastive analysis. In Chapter 4, in order to examine the validity of the parallel corpus used in the Korean-Chinese uni-direction contrastive study: the corpora used in five different studies on the Korean particle ‘e(에)’ and ‘eseo(에서)’ and their correspondences in Chinese were compared, and the results of the study were compared. As a result, the corpora used in these five papers were different, and the research results for the study subjects were different, which proved the effect of parallel corpus structure in contrastive studies. Furthermore, we conducted a replica study focusing on the comparative study of Korean-Chinese suffixes. Focusing on the large difference in corpus size between the Korean and Chinese sub-corpora of the comparative corpus, we resized the Korean sub-corpus and conducted a replica study on the suffix. As a result of increasing the Korean corpus size, it was confirmed that the study results on the Korean suffix significantly depend on the corpus size. In summary, it is vital to apply strict standards for representativeness, balance, and size in constructing parallel and comparative corpus in contrastive linguistics studies.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Corpus-based contrastive study, Parallel corpus, Comparative corpus, Bilingual corpus, Contrastive linguistics, Korean-Chinese contrastive study, Validity of corpus