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이 연구는 지난 2018년 사회적 화제를 모았던 TV 드라마 <SKY 캐슬> 방영을 계기로 주요 일간지들이 한국의 교육문제를 어떤 프레이밍으로 보도했으며, 신문 성향에 따라 어떤 시각 차이가 있는지를 내용분석을 통해 살펴보았다. 분석대상은 보수신문인 <조선일보>와 <중앙일보>, 진보신문인 <한겨레>와 <경향신문>이다. 분석 결과, 보수/진보 신문 모두 전체 보도의 3분의 1 이상을 대입 공정성, 학생부종합전형, 입시비리, 사교육, 학벌주의 등 드라마가 표출한 교육문제를 사회적 의제로 제기했다. 핵심 보도 방향은 보수/진보신문 모두 교육문제 원인해석과 그에 따른 책임주체를 묻는 프레임이 주류를 이뤘다. 그러나 이들 신문의 관점은 현저하게 달랐다. 보수신문은 입시정책과 성공 지상주의를, 진보신문은 사교육 과열과 계층 간 교육 불평등을 <SKY 캐슬>이 던진 양대 교육문제로 꼽았다. 또한 보수신문은 입시와 성적 문제를 개인적 행위에, 진보신문은 사교육과 소득 격차를 사회의 구조적 문제에 초점을 맞춘 프레임으로 보도했다. 연구자들은 ‘SKY 대학’으로 상징되는 우리 사회의 학벌주의, 입시 공정성, 고액 사교육 문제를 드라마가 사회적 의제로 발화시킨 사실을 확인하고, 언론이 교육 생태계 감시 기능을 강화함으로써 “솔루션 저널리즘(solution journalism)”에 충실할 것을 제안하였다.

This study examines how major daily newspapers framed and reported on the reality of Korea’s education system in reaction to SKY Castle, a TV drama series that attracted mainstream attention in 2018. Then, it examines the differences in reporting frameworks based on the newspapers’ political leaning. The subjects of this analysis are the conservative newspapers Chosun Ilbo and JoongAng Ilbo and the progressive newspapers Hankyoreh and Kyunghyang Shinmun. This analysis applies the frameworks of Iyengar (1991) and Semetko and Valkenburg (2000). This analysis has found that both conservative and progressive newspapers devoted more than a third of their total reporting on the educational issues portrayed in SKY Castle, such as college admission fairness, comprehensive student selection, college entrance exams, private education, attitude towards education, etc., prominently raising these concerns to the social agenda. Both the conservative and progressive newspapers used cause analysis (39.6%) to diagnose the cause of educational problems and the responsible subject framework (19.4%). Other prominent frameworks used in descending order were moral evaluation (14.4%), conflict (12.9%), economic outcome (7.2%), and solution-proposal (5.8%). A granular analysis of restructured details show that there is a significant difference based on the newspapers’ political leaning. The conservative newspapers regarded entrance exam policies and extreme focus on success as the causes of the major educational problems SKY Castle presents. Progressive newspapers, on the other hand, viewed the overcrowding of private education and educational inequality amongst socioeconomic classes as the causes of the education problems. The conservative newspapers utilized the economic outcome framework more, while the progressive newspapers used the conflict framework more heavily. When using the moral evaluation framework, progressive newspapers emphasized the expedient (illegal) private education issue more (54.5%) than did conservative newspapers (33.3%). We discuss the implications of the media’s reporting frameworks, in terms of academic and policy aspects, on the reality of Korea’s college admissions process.