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The prevalent form of language instruction for adults in South Korea has placed greater emphasis on spoken language. Comparatively, teaching reading in English as communicative skills for adults language acquisition is often viewed in an auxiliary role despite its significance for full language proficiency. Hence, this study explores the effects of metacognitive reading strategies within the context of language pedagogy and its subsequent influence on an adult's reading behavior. Specifically this study investigates the current attitudes and perceptions of reading strategies as held by adult language learners and the possible lasting influences of metacognitive reading strategies on reading English text. An analysis of the research leads to two main conclusions. First, the implementation of metacognitive reading strategies helps adult learners enhance comprehension and communicative competence. Second, metacognitive reading strategies affect positive behaviors for adult learners’ self-directed and lifelong learning habits. Finally, this study may offer practical guides to aid an instructor in implementing reading strategies for adult language learners.