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The purpose of this study is: (1) to analyze the literature on learner language which utilizes the ‘Korean Learners’ Corpus’, which was open to the public from 2017 by the National Institute of Korean Language through <Korean Learners’ Corpus Search Engine>, (2) to find out what needs to be considered in future research. This can be said to be a timely study to reflect on the contributions of the ‘Korean Language Learner’s Corpus’ to the study of learners’ language at the present time when the construction of the corpus over six years from 2015 to 2020 has been completed. First, the characteristics of the data to be analyzed in the study were analyzed in general, and what studies were conducted by corpus type was examined in detail There are a total of 32 studies, including 15 journal articles and 17 dissertations. By year, there were 5 articles in 2017, 8 articles in 2018, 9 articles in 2019, and 10 articles in 2020. In order to examine the current status of the research, based on the nature of the analyzed data and the contents of the study, the studies were analyzed broadly according to the criteria of nationality/language, Korean level, learner type, data type, corpus type, analysis target, and analysis method. Next, we analyzed the contents of the study by corpus type. As a result of the research, it was found that in many studies, a corpus was selected and used according to the purpose and target, and it was confirmed that the ‘Korean Learner Corpus’ is contributing significantly to the field of learner language research. However, when processing or extracting each corpus data, there was a shortcoming, and the research data were biased toward Chinese/Chinese-speaking learners. In addition, many variables included in the corpus such as Longitudinal data or the genre of discourse were not actively used in research. This is a point to be supplemented in future research. In addition, it is necessary to supplement issues in terms of providing corpus data and showing search results so that more researchers can use the ‘Korean learner corpus’ to conduct language research for Korean learners.