초록 열기/닫기 버튼
'Kiseru/着せる' is a verb that functions both as a causative verb and a transitive verb, and has been studied as an intermediate category between the causative verb and the transitive verb. The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual data, focusing on a reflexive action 'Kiru/着る', on what kind of syntax 'Kiseru' is used either as a causative verb or as a transitive verb. 218 sample cases were identified from the ‘Modern Japanese Octopus Balanced Corpus (BCCWJ).’ According to the analysis, when a dative case is a human being and the actor is different from other groups, a reflexive action ‘Kiru’ appears. If a dative case is a human and the actor is also a dative-case, 'kiru' is indirect, which makes it a causative verb. On the contrary, when a dative-case is an inanimate object, a corpse or an animal, and when the performer of the action is a nominative-case, a reflexive action ‘Kiru’ does not appear, which is direct and renders it a transitive verb accordingly. In the previous research, ‘Kiseru’ has been studied as an intermediate category between the causative verb and the transitive verb. When we focus on a reflexive actions in the syntax, however, it can be determined more accurately either as a causative verb or as a transitive verb and are used more properly.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Causative transitive verb・Intermediate category・Causative character and transitive character・Reflexive action・Kiseru