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Can Europe produce zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050? The current climate situation and environmental changes are an existential threat not only to Europe―the entire world is on the verge of an irreversible catastrophe that would affect all humanity. To address these issues the European Commission has proposed concrete actions that will lay the foundation to implement projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions while also making the European economy more sustainable. These plans assume that further economic growth will be dissociated from natural resource use and that no person or place is left behind. Current climate challenges should be perceived as opportunities for growth and development. This paper examines policies aiming to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050 on the supranational level. I analyze how the European Green Deal is going to be reached partly through Horizon Europe - the ambitious EU research and innovation framework program set for the years 2021-2027. The European Green Deal is encompassed within Horizon Europe’s three main objectives: to strengthen the EU's scientific and technological bases and the European Research Area (ERA); to boost Europe's innovation capacity, competitiveness, and jobs; and to deliver on citizens' priorities and sustain the EU’s socioeconomic model and values. My further aim is to assess the feasibility of the European Green Deal and place the initiative in a global context.