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『삼국사기』나 『일본서기』 에는 백제 인명표기의 다양한 형태들이 혼재해 있지만 백제 당시에 제작된 출토문자자료들에는 ‘지리정보 + 신분정보 + 인명’의 구조와 순서를 가진 기재원칙이 발견된다. 일부 요소들이 생략된 것은 문자자료 작성시 前提한 독자의 범위 때문에 생긴 축약표현이거나 표기된 인물의 신분적 특징이 반영된 생략이었던 것으로 보인다. 『삼국사기』의 백제 인명표기방법은 일정한 편찬 기준에 따른 簡略化된 기재법의 결과로 보이며 반대로 『일본서기』의 복잡한 표기법은 되도록 정보를 많이 채록하고자 한 부가적 기재 패턴의 결과로 보인다. 인명표기 관습으로 본다면 백제 사람들에게는 지리적 범주에 의한 귀속의식과 함께 관등같은 신분적 귀속의식이 복합되어 있었음을 알 수 있다. 반면 혈연집단의 표식인 姓에 의한 귀속의식은 일반적이지 않았다. 문헌에 다수의 여성 이름이 등장하는 것과는 대조적으로 출토 문자자료에는 왕족부터 庶人에 이르기까지백제 여성의 인명을 적지 않았다. 문헌에 실린 백제 여성의 이름들은 고구려, 한군현, 일본, 신라 등 다른 지역과 관련된 여성들이거나 백제 이외 지역의 기록문화에 의해 채록된 경우가 많다. 향후 백제 초중기 문자 자료의 발굴이 이루어지면 인명 표기에 반영된 시기별 백제 여성의 지위변화 양상이 더 분명하게 이해될 수 있을 것이다. 한편 백제 왕실 금석문에서는 1인 중심의 인명표기가 지배적이었다. 그 1인은 주로 왕이지만 왕비의 아버지이거나 장신구 제작기술자인 경우도 있어 그 정치적·사회적 함의가 주목된다. 하나의 기록물 안에한 사람의 이름 만을 표기하는 것은 문장 내에서의 권력의 독점과 같은 것으로 이해할 수 있다. 왕흥사 사리기의 명문에서 창왕의 인명표기는 ‘國名 + 王號 + 諱’로 구성되어 있다. 무령왕 지석과 비교하면 諱와 王號가 바뀐 것이다. 諱를 직접 사용하여 1인칭으로 쓴 이 금석문은 ‘왕’의 신분으로서가 아니라 자연인 ‘昌’으로서 불법 앞에 자신을 낮춘 恭愍의 자세가 베어 있다. 반면 미륵사 사리봉안기에서 중국의 황제에게썼던 최고의 존칭 ‘陛下’를 사용하고 있었던 데에는 대신라 전쟁에서 확보된 무왕대 전제왕권의 모습이 반영되어 있다.

In Samguksagi - the Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms and Nihon Shoki, numerous name writing customs of Baekje times are visible. Due to such mixed tendency it is easily misunderstood that in Baekje times there were no clear rules or codes for name writing. However, based on the materials, which are contemporary to the Baekje times, it is possible to infer that there was a clear tendency of name writing employed consistently. When written, names usually followed the structure of “geographic information + status information + given name”. Though some parts of such structure were left out at times when it was inferable from the contexts by readers. For instance, Deoksol, which was the name for a local governer, because of the representation of the name, it was not necessary to mention the ‘geographic information’ of the person in the name. The Baekje name writing custom seen in Samguksagi may be the simplified version based on the name writing custom of the period when the book was written. On the other hand, the complex name writing custom that can be found in Nihon Shoki may be the result of an attempt to record as much information as possible in one name. It is possible to presume that Baekje people had a notion of belonging based on their geographic background in combination with the status/ positional background. Yet, belongingness based on their blood relations, which would be visible through the use of surnames, was not common. From the epigraphies made in Baekje times, women were not referred to their names even though they were members of the royal family. Therefore, inherent queen names or princess names are not found from these materials. This would be the reason for the absence of the queen names and princess names from the Baekje royal inscriptions. The names of Baekje women that are known to us are invariably obtained from the historical recordings. These known names are of the foreign figures who are related to the other countries like Goguryeo, the Military Prefecture of Han, Japan and Silla. Otherwise they were passed down through the historic recordings of aforementioned countries. From such phenomena, it is possible that there was a tendency in Baekje name writing custom that “women’s names are not to be written down” in the official ceremonies and documents. In the ancient societies, the status of women were relatively mediocre in general. However, the fact that the women’s names were not written down in official terms shows that such inequality between men and women was more severe in Baekje compared to the other neighbouring countries at the same period. Wangheung temple’s Stone Urn for the Cremeted Remains has an inscription with King Chang’s name. The structure is consisted of “the country name + the official king name + the Whi (諱 - an official name of a king that was used when he has passed away). Compared to the inscription of King Muryeong, the order of the Whi and the official king name was switched. This inscription uses the Whi in the first person and it is to emphasize the human ‘Chang’ than himself as a king putting himself low with modesty in front of the Buddhist order such as Karma and rebirth. On the other hand, in the inscription of Miruek temple’s Urn, the title of honor “陛下” was used, which was for the emperor in China. This can be understood as the reflection of the Authoritarian Royal Power that was newly establised during the King Mu period after the war against Silla.