초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This article compares the theories of Ren Shengzhou and Luo Qinsun to examine the similarities and differences between li and qi theory. This article examins the views and arguments of scholars who positively and critically appreciate Ren Shengzhou view of emphasizing li and qi as one. In this article, we can see that Ren Shengzhou and Luo Qinsun theory of li and qi have many similarities. Both believe that catching li in the air is right, and how to know li in the air is linked to the view that the correct way to catch li on the subject and understanding Liwagi are inseparable. The theory of tiled matter all underlines Cheng Mingdao's "Qi Yi Dao". It is formed from the inseparable nature of Taoichi's tiling and tiling. Li and qi are not the same as realism and qi and qi. The theory of li and qi is not an opinion that makes no distinction between tile and tile. They all define the Li and Qi realms as an existential spirit that cannot be confused. In other words, their doctrine rejects the idea of recognizing periods as reason or as. The reason is that the Lumen and Luo Zheng An confirm the dominant characteristics of both.