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In understanding the religious culture of the Joseon Dynasty, it is necessary to look at the religious culture of mountains and rivers, Confucian culture, and folk culture. This article does not focus solely on one aspect of the religious culture of the Joseon Dynasty, but seeks to look at cultural diversity and find reasons for the cultural diversity of a period. We do not yet have a clear criterion and framework for judging what was the unique culture of our times. Assuming that the owner of the mountain and river is the king in charge of the prince, it is not necessarily the king who exercises the rights of the owner of the mountain and river. It is possible to understand the coexistence of Confucianism and folk religion in the Joseon Dynasty through mountains and rivers. The history of the Joseon Dynasty shows that an attempt to unify religion through rituals and legal systems is an impossible dream, but Confucianism is attempting cultural reform for a dream that did not fulfill this dream, and magic and customs settled in this niche. Therefore, it is possible to understand how the two cultures with strong individuality coexisted in terms of cultural diversity.
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Confucian culture, folk culture, mountains and rivers of the Joseon Dynasty