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일제강점기의 작가 심훈이 지식인이자 언론인이자 예술가로서 보여준 이상의 실천적 삶과 예술은 정조대의 실학파가 민생 중심의 새로운 가치로 내세웠던 이용후생이라는 키워드로 집약해볼 수 있다. 틀 안에 머물지 않고 경계를 넘어서기를 두려워하지 않았던 심훈은 생의 막다른 국면에 처할 때마다 중국, 일본, 당진 등 낯선 세상으로 떠나곤 했다. 특히 도시 생활을 버리고 낙후된 농촌인 당진으로 가서 새로운 가치 실현의 길을 찾고자 했고 <상록수>를 통해 본격적인 농촌계몽문학의 장을 열었다. 농민의 현실에 대한 관심과 참여를 통해 그들의 삶을 진실하게 표현하며 민중과 더불어 ‘민중 속으로’의 이념을 체현한 작가생활은 이용후생의 구체적 실천이다. 당시의 농촌계몽운동이 독립운동만큼이나 중요하다는 것을 고려할 때 일생 동안 투철한 역사의식을 기반으로 하여 ‘저항’과 ‘계몽’을 추구한 그의 삶은 ‘이용후생’의 가치를 구현한 삶이라고 할 수 있다.

Shim Hoon, a novelist, poet, journalist, and filmmaker during the Japanese colonial period, was a person who constantly caused incidents. This type of person crosses boundaries and is a protagonist, opening up new areas and expanding the horizon of life. Shim Hoon was also a person who lived a life of leaving. Whenever he faced a dead end in life, he left for a new world such as China, Japan, and Dangjin. In particular, as a modern boy he abandoned his urban life and went to Dangjin, an underdeveloped rural village, to find a new ideology. He ultimately established the field of full-scale rural enlightenment literature by <Sangnoksu>. He was a writer who described people’s lives honestly, which was in line with his interest and participation in the lives of farmers, and he practiced this way of life along with the people. As a pioneering intellectual, the practical life of resistance and enlightenment based on a sense of problems throughout history realized the value of Eyonghoosaeng. The rural enlightenment movement at that time was so important that it had the same value as the independence movement. Shim Hoon's life was a practical life of resistance that consistently brings to mind “a mother who is bigger than mother – motherland”.