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동아시아에서 고전의 지위를 획득하고 일상생활에까지 지대한 영향을 끼친 중국문학작품들이 있다. 이러한 고전은 중국 일국이 아닌 동아시아 제국의 고전으로 대접받고 또 그렇게 연구되어야 한다. 주거문화의 전형이 된 도연명(陶淵明)의 <귀거래사(歸去來辭)>와 유흥문화의 모범이 된 소동파(蘇東坡)의 <적벽부(赤壁賦)>가 그러한 예다. 조선의 문인들은 <적벽부>의 풍류를 재현하는 자리에서 <적벽부>를 외웠고 또 그러한 풍류를 형상화한 문학 작품에서 <적벽부>의 고사와 표현을 거듭 차용하였으며, 명필은 <적벽부>를 필사하였고 시인은 <적벽부>의 글자를 뽑아 집자시(集字詩)를 지었다. <적벽부>를 읽고 그 감상을 기록하거나 모방한 작품도 창작하였다. <적벽부>는 그림으로도 향유되어 안견(安堅), 이징(李澄), 김홍도(金弘道) 등의 작품이 알려져 있으며 그릇에 <적벽부>의 내용을 그려 넣는 적벽주발(赤壁周鉢)도 유행하였다. <적벽부>의 위력이 이러하기에 <적벽부>의 풍류가 조선 사람들에게도 선망의 대상이었다. <적벽부>가 제작된 임술년이 되면 문인들은 7월이나 11월 기망을 기다렸다. 적벽이 아니라도 한강의 잠두봉처럼 절벽이 있는 곳이 붐볐거니와, 절벽이 없어도 강물이 흐르는 곳이면 배를 띄웠다. 물론 적절한 나이에 임술년을 맞는 것조차 쉽지 않았기에 간지에 ‘임’이나 ‘술’이 들어가거나 그렇지 않고 그냥 7월 16일이나 11월 16이 되면 강가로 달려가 뱃놀이를 즐겼을 정도다. 이 논문은 <적벽부>의 풍류를 재현한 조선의 적벽에 주목하였다. 조선의 적벽은 여러 곳이 있었지만 임진강과 동복에 있는 것이 가장 명성이 높았다. 당연히 적벽이 있던 임진강이나 동복천은 적벽강으로도 불렸다. 이러한 곳에는 ‘협선(挾仙)’, ‘포월(抱月)’, ‘무진(無盡)’, ‘망미(望美)’ 등 <적벽부>에 보이는 구절을 이용하여 땅의 이름으로 삼아 소동파의 적벽으로 만들었다. 특히 동복에는 김부륜이 1585년 현감으로 부임하여 협선루와 포월대를 지었다. 그 인근에 무진루와 망미정이라 이름 붙인 누정도 있었는데 역시 <적벽부>에서 이름을 딴 것이었다. 동복의 적벽과 함께 가장 명성이 높았던 임진강의 적벽도 소동파의 <적벽부>를 재현한 공간이었다. 소동파를 이르게 하는 내소정(來蘇亭)이 명소로 알려졌고 물과 달과 같은 <적벽부>의 핵심을 표방한 수월정(水月亭)도 그 곁에 있었다. 이러한 이름의 누정은 조선 도처에 있었으니 가히 조선 천지가 <적벽부>의 땅이라 할 만하다.

Su Dongpo蘇東坡's Chibi Fu赤壁賦 is one of the most influential works in Korea. It was used to be very popular in diverse ways during Goryeo and Chosun Dynasty. The literati of Joseon enjoyed to rephrase Chibi Fu for reenactment of Chibi. Seo Geojeong徐居正 chose the letters or expressions used in Chibi Fu and wrote 16 poems with them, which later became a way to enjoy Chibi Fu. In addition, other works that mimicked or imitated his work were invented. During his journey around Imjingang River臨津江, Shin Yoohan申維翰 wrote a work that mimics Chibi Fu. Also, Hong Gyeongbo洪景輔 governor of Gyeonggido, created a prose. Chibi Fu was beloved also as a series of scrapbooks, one of which engraved Zhao mengfu趙孟頫’s letters. On the scene where reproduced flourishing moments of Chibi Fu, the greatest calligraphers was willing to transcribe the work. Chibi Fu was also widely enjoyed by paintings. Sketches depicting various Chibi Fu's contents were produced in China. Also, famous painters Lee Jing and Kim Hongdo金弘道 used to painted Chibi paintings. Even in a bowl, the contents of Chibi Fu were painted. According to Kang Sehwang姜世晃, the contents were written or painted on the surface of bowls. These kinds of bowls were imported to Chosun and the copies of the bowls or plates had been very popular, concerning that some larger plates which had no name or title were used to called Chibi fu plate. This is what Chibi Fu's power was like. Because of Chibi Fu, Su Dongpo himslef was called ‘Suxian蘇仙,’ ‘Poxian坡仙,’ and ‘Chibi xian赤壁仙.’ In renxunian壬戌年 when Chibi fu was produced, the literati waited for July or November 16. Even if it was not for Chibi, cliff areas like Jamdubong Peak蠶頭峯 on the Han River were very crowded with people. Even without cliffs, boats were floating throughout of any rivers where water flowed. Of course, it wasn't easy to meet renxunian at the right age or time. So some literati just ran to a riverside on every July 16 or November 16. By taking the phrases from Chibi Fu, literati named a pavilion, and enjoyed it as if he was to become Su Dongpo. It would be no better than having the title of Chibi. Although Chibi was named after several places, Chibi was the most famous in the Imjingang River and Dongbokcheon Stream同福川. The Imjingang River or Dongbokcheon River, where Chibi was located, were also called Chibi River赤壁江. These places were named Chibi of Su Dongpo using phrases seen in Chibi Fu, such as Xiexian挾仙, Baoyue抱月, Wujin無盡, Wangmei望美 and others. In particular, Kim Buryun金富倫 was appointed as a mayor of Dongbok in 1585, and he built the Hyeoseonjeong挾仙樓 and Poweongdae抱月臺. The title came from Chibi Fu's phrase, “With a flying shrine, I will ride on with my heart, I will hold a bright moon and finish my life forever(挾飛仙以遨遊 抱明月而長終)”. There was also a pavilion named Mujnlu無盡樓 and Mangmijeong望美亭, named after a phrase from Chibi Fu called “The endless storage of the Creator(造物者之無盡藏)” and “Looking at the beauty, the beauty is in heaven(望美人望兮天一方)”. Chibi of the Imjingang River, which was the most famous with Chibi of Dobok, was the region where Chibi of Su Dongpo was reinterpreted. Solaejeong來蘇亭, meaning a pavilion that leads to Su Dongpo, was known as one of the famous spots. Also. Suwoljeong水月亭, named after the following verse, was located nearby. “Only the clear wind above the river and the bright moon in the mountains is a sound when it comes in my ears and a color when it is in my eyes. No one can stop me from doing this, and I can't get rid of it.(惟江上之淸風 與山間之明月 耳得之而爲聲 目寓之而成色 取之無禁 用之不竭)”. There was a series of pavilions like this everywhere. Suwoljeong was the name of a villa built by Song Sun宋純 in the Han River. Also, Jeong Seol鄭渫 built a pavilion with the same name in Maehwa Village on the Seomjingang River蟾津江. The case of Pungwoldam風月潭 in front of Dosan Seowon陶山書院, Punwoljeong風月亭 on the other side of Bongeunsa Temple奉恩寺, and Ssangcheongdang雙淸堂 in Daejeon os all the same. The names ‘Wujin’ and ‘Wangmei’ are also seen everywhere. In this way, many places of Joseon had a pavilion with a name reminiscent of Chibi Fu. Also, Mongseonlu夢仙樓 in Namwon or Monwujeong 1n Mongwujeong夢羽亭 in Samgqgsan三角山 Woidong牛耳洞 are also on the same page with Su Dongpo who met a shrine prophet in Chibi Fu, in his dream. Mongseo夢仙 used to refer to the prophet in the dream. But later, Su Dongpo himself was called Mongseo夢仙 by people. Kim Changseog金昌錫 reported that he met Su Dongpo in his dream so that named his pavilion as Mongseonjeong夢仙亭. All the spot in Joseon were under the name of Chibi Fu.