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This study was intended to compare the types of boot-type shoes and the formative characteristics of Mongol and northeastern China, which developed shoe culture that reflected different lifestyles. Precedence research and literature data, fieldwork and survey data, exhibition and video data were utilized as research materials. First, Shilyu, the ancestor of the ethnic minorities in Mongolia and northeastern China, confirmed that the culture of dress and shoes, which were mainly made of animal skins and fish skins obtained through hunting and fishing, was developed. Based on this, the types and characteristics of traditional boot-type shoes of the Mongol tribe and ethnic minorities in northeastern China were examined, and the results of comparing the formative characteristic were as follows. First, it can be seen that Mongolia's Gutal has developed into three forms depending on the method and type; A flat sole with a round type of the toe-cap, A flat sole with the toe-cap raised, A shape in which the sole covers both sides of the foot and foot. Boot-type shoes of ethnic minorities in northeastern China were each made of animal and fish skins to enhance functionality and practicality, and different materials were used according to the seasons. Second, I compared the formative features of each ethnic group's boot-type shoes with the way and purpose of wearing them. As a result, the basic forms are similar, but differences have been seen in such things as subdivided forms, fabrication methods, materials, colors and how to wear them. The difference shown in the formative characteristics means that it has developed into boot-type shoes with different types and characteristics by the function and use of the lifestyle according to the natural and environmental background of the area in which it has lived and to adapt to it. In conclusion, each region's boot-type shoes can be identified as a costume item that is very close to Mongolia's nomadic and horseback riding styles and the lifestyle of ethnic minorities in northeastern China, such as hunting, fishing and ranching.